Holiday Survival Tip: Plan and enjoy the 4th of July weekend without guilt!
July sparks the official start of summer activities for me and my family. We love spontaneous road trips, an annual visit to Martha’s Vineyard, visiting friends at their beach home, a family reunion, as well as summertime activities at home. I enjoy many warm weather activities including, golf, tennis, SUP (stand up paddle boarding), hanging at the beach, hiking and more!

Embrace and Enjoy Going Local
Local fresh produce is best however, frozen is a very close second choice. Frozen produce is harvested at it’s peak and frozen within 1 – 2 days. Conventional and organic produce found in grocery markets, unless it is local, can travel over 1,000 miles. That produce is picked before it’s peak and ripens en route to your local store. The concentration of vitamins and nutrients may be lower than produce that is local fresh or frozen.