Brussel Sprouts
Brussels have a lot of natural sulfur and is packed with antioxidants. They are a great source of plant-based protein. This veggie is rich in Vitamin K and C. It may reduce inflammation, improve gut health and bone strength. This beauty food may contribute to collagen production, keeping skin firm and glowing.

Avocados contain an impressive amount of nutrients and are a great source of vitamins C, E, K, and B6. They provide omega 3 fatty acids which contribute to eye and brain function and help fight inflammation. Avocados are a great source of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and a great ingredient to add to your diet.

Swiss Chard
Swiss chard is loaded with nutrients, vitamins that include; Vitamins K, C, A, E, and B6. This vegetable is packed with antioxidants and fiber. May help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, boost the immune system, and combat inflammation.

This heart-friendly vegetable is packed with vitamins, minerals, and a great source of antioxidants. Cauliflower may reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and support the immune system. Choline is one of the nutrients in cauliflower which is essential for brain development.

Glorious Greens & Green Smoothies
I love green smoothies in the morning to ensure I get 2 servings of greens & fruits first thing! Use a strong blender. You can also, meal prep by placing all ingredients in a zip lock bag and freezing.
Seasonal Produce: Hail to the Kale
I can’t say enough about this nutritious green vegetable. Kale is a nutrition superstar due to the amounts of vitamins A, K, B6, and C, calcium, potassium, copper, and manganese it contains. One cup of raw kale has just 33 calories and only 7 grams of carbohydrate. So, it's a very diabetes-friendly/weight-friendly vegetable.

Valentine’s Day
There are many varieties of mushrooms, each with a different shape and flavor profile. I love the earthy taste of mushrooms and their medicinal properties. Mushrooms are so good for the body. Some of the mushrooms that I love are; Crimini, Portobello, Shiitake, Oyster, Chanterelle, and Porcini.
Seasonal Produce: Beets
There are many varieties of root vegetables, which grow in different colors such as white, red, purple, and golden.
Seasonal Produce: Mushrooms
There are many varieties of mushrooms, each with a different shape and flavor profile. I love the earthy taste of mushrooms and their medicinal properties. Mushrooms are so good for the body. Some of the mushrooms that I love are; Crimini, Portobello, Shiitake, Oyster, Chanterelle, and Porcini.
Seasonal Produce: Winter Squash
There are 16-20 different types of winter squash that come in a variety of colors, shapes and flavor profiles. To name a few there are; Butternut, Kobacha, Carnival, Blue Hubbard and Acorn.

Embrace the winter weather!!
Ready to add an exciting and invigorating exercise to your winter repertoire? If you think that skiing and sledding are your only snow-time choices, then you have not yet been introduced to snowshoeing.

From the Couch to Crossing the Finish Line
Running a marathon or 1/2 marathon was never anything I thought I’d ever do. The sport seemed very overwhelming to me. I have lots of friends who love to run and enter into races all the time. I am NOT a runner or at least I thought I couldn’t. Then, several years ago my mother’s life was taken suddenly after a very simple operation!! I was extremely sad at that time and felt I needed some kind of healthy distraction to focus on. The holidays were approaching and I knew if I didn’t do something, I could find myself depressed!